
Many people live in a constantly busy and pressurized world, and for many, this causes stress. If you are suffering from stress, everything can seem overwhelming. Your energy disappears, and even small, simple everyday tasks such as laundry, shopping or cooking can suddenly seem like big and time-consuming tasks. Hypnosis for stress can be used as a tool to combat the stressed state.

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Hypnosis for stress works to give you a different and more positive mindset where stressful thoughts are not allowed to take over. We work to help you use positive thoughts to better understand your body and how it reacts to stressful situations, so you can more easily prevent stress.


An important point to note is that many of the other people who come for hypnotherapy come to treat issues such as insomnia, smoking cessation and weight loss, and they will report stress and anxiety as playing a role in the problem or habit.


Stress and anxiety are medical conditions. Many of us function fine under pressure for some courses – but if you find that you are suffering from regular or chronic stress, then you need to see a doctor. He or she will be able to advise you on appropriate and effective techniques and treatments to relieve your stress. below this article you will find a study made by Harcard, and aims to help you with all experiences of this type of daily pressure.

Stress and anxiety are everywhere in our society and if left untreated can cause real health problems i.e. back pain, stomach problems, migraines, depression etc. There is also a link between stressful lifestyle and diabetes. Relaxation exercises and other stress management techniques will help you to not only combat stress and manage it, but ultimately – and far more importantly – prevent it in the first place.

Everyone should meditate 20 min. a day and those who don’t have time should meditate for an hour.


Shinypnosis uses lots of different therapeutic models to help you understand your stress, but also to help you avoid developing high underlying stress levels.

*By teaching you relaxation techniques and exercises, it can enable you to change physical reactions – i.e. dampening stress reflexes.

It can also help with positive thinking and confidence. *By understanding stress and the body’s reaction to it, you can begin to create new positive unconscious responses.

The better you feel about your ability to handle stressful situations, the better you will actually cope with them. Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for stress symptoms such as insomnia, muscle tension, anxiety etc. but is also a great approach to managing stress and anxiety before it occurs.

Other effective stress management strategies include:

Problem solving exercises – step back from the situation and solve the problem in a practical or logical way. Have you ever noticed how a problem seems less stressful after you’ve talked to someone about it or written down some questions?

Learn to get those thoughts and feelings out so they don’t cause internal stress.

Lifestyle exercise is the best possible way to combat immediate stress. Unfortunately, it’s not something we want to do. This creates a bit of a trap that hypnotherapy can help to overcome. Diet, relaxation etc. can all help to overcome stress.

Time Management – people often think that when they take time for themselves they become selfish. Here’s a question to ask yourself – if you take some time for yourself to relax – exercise, have fun etc, how do you feel?

Book an appointment with Shinhypnosis today and get treated for anxiety or stress.


Don’t forget about stress. It’s a warning that something is wrong and it won’t just go away if you ignore it. You should either see your doctor or seek professional help from a stress counselor if you suffer from daily stress.

Take a stress management course. Employers are becoming increasingly aware of the issue of stress in the workplace and many offer stress awareness information and courses. You will learn what stress is, what some of the symptoms are and how to recognize them, what triggers stress and how you can reduce stress through practical and often simple techniques. If you prefer, you can get more tailored solutions, 1:1 stress management support through conversations with a stress consultant.

There is a large body of evidence to suggest that healthy eating and exercise are key to helping our bodies and minds cope with pressure and combat stress. If you feel healthy, strong and energized on the inside, you’ll be better equipped to cope. Getting healthier isn’t just about changing your diet or necessarily losing weight. It’s about looking after yourself in a new way. By eating a varied diet and getting regular exercise. Don’t force yourself to eat certain foods or do certain activities, but find ways of exercising and eating healthy that you enjoy and can fit into your life. It will mean a few changes, but after a few weeks you’ll be enjoying the benefits.

Be proactive and deal with issues and problems before they create too much pressure and you will become stronger. Dealing with potential stressors early on will mean they are easier to resolve. For example, if you know you’re working to a deadline, don’t do everything at the last minute. Be organized and start planning early. If you feel pressure from someone, talk to them about it or talk to someone else. This doesn’t mean you have to confront them. Often just write down how it makes you feel or talk to someone else about the pressure, which will make you feel better. Once you get it out, you’ll often find that what you’re worrying about isn’t such a big deal again.


Become an expert on relaxation. You can get books on relaxation techniques from the library, you can find things on the internet or join yoga, meditation or relaxation classes. Or you can simply make a list of the things you do in your everyday life that help you feel relaxed – like listening to music, taking a shower or going for a walk. Going for a walk or putting on your favorite CD is neither time consuming nor expensive!

Book an appointment with Shinhypnosis and get help with stress reduction.

*We emphasize that hypnosis and treatments do not guarantee stress relief and that results may vary from person to person.

How do you treat stress?

If you suffer from regular or chronic stress, you should see your doctor. He or she will be able to guide you and provide appropriate advice and effective techniques to relieve your stress. Relaxation exercises and other stress management techniques can help you combat stress and ultimately prevent the condition.

What consequences can stress have?

Stress can have many consequences for your physical wellbeing. For real health problems, stress can result in stomach problems, back pain, migraines, diabetes or depression, for example. Therefore, it is important that you take this condition seriously.

Can hypnosis help with stress?

Hypnosis uses many different therapeutic models to help you understand your stress. There is a particular focus on relaxation exercises that can enable you to change physical reactions. It can also help with positive thinking and confidence.

What specific exercises does hypnosis use to reduce stress?

When hypnosis is used to reduce stress in the client, relaxation exercises, problem-solving exercises, time management and lifestyle exercises are used. Each exercise has different techniques, but the goal is ultimately the same.

How many hypnosis treatments does it take to combat stress?

The amount of hypnosis you need to combat stress is individual. Among other things, it depends on how deep the stress is, for example. Our experience shows that 1-2 hypnosis sessions are usually enough.

Where can I receive professional hypnosis treatment for stress?

At Shin Hypnosis, we have several years of experience with professional hypnosis treatment for stress. We work to find the core of the problem, after which we use hypnosis to change the focus from negative thought and behavior patterns to positive ones.

Shin Hypnose

Melchiors Plads 4, st.
2100 København Ø

Phone: 31 65 84 33

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Get help with unhelpful thoughts and habits at Shin Hypnosis in Copenhagen or the rest of the country. Book an appointment via our online booking or call 31 65 84 33 if you have questions about how hypnosis can help you.