What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is first and foremost a state. A state between being awake and being asleep. In this state, the mind and the inner psychological layer are sharpened, which means that a hypnotist can influence stored thought and emotional patterns. Hypnosis can therefore be used to change actions and habits that are either based on irrational fears that limit our freedom of movement and quality of life or that affect our health, well-being and mood.

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A hypnotic state is characterized by the subconscious mind working more than in the waking state, giving access to a number of processes that are both stored and learned throughout life. A hypnotist activates and influences the recipient’s own resources to initiate change processes and alter certain patterns of thought and behavior. During hypnosis, the hypnotist can communicate directly with the subconscious mind, making it possible to identify and change the thought and emotional patterns that are deeply buried in the mind and may be the cause of problems or limitations.however, hypnosis is not a uniform state. There can be varying degrees of depth – from a light trance to a very deep hypnotic state, depending on the purpose of the hypnosis.hypnosis can be a powerful and effective tool to explore and change the human psyche and help change bad habits, overcome fear and anxiety and improve quality of life in various ways.

Where does hypnosis come from?

Hypnosis has been practiced for hundreds of years in different cultures and societies around the world. In fact, hypnosis can be traced back to Ancient Egypt around 3300 BC. They used various techniques and methods that are similar to today’s hypnosis.

Since then, hypnosis has become more and more widespread and developed over the years. In the 20th century, hypnosis was first developed as a therapeutic method to treat various mental and physical disorders, including trauma, phobias, anxiety and pain relief.

Today’s hypnosis is still based on the ancient techniques, but is now based on scientific understanding of consciousness and brain processes.

Does hypnosis work?

The short answer is yes. Several research projects show that hypnosis is effective for a range of physical ailments and psychological problems. It is important that the client approaches the treatment with openness and is responsive to the hypnotist’s instructions.

In addition, hypnosis can vary considerably from person to person. There will always be a degree of individual response. Some people are more receptive to hypnosis than others. The ability to be hypnotized can depend on personality, openness and previous experience with hypnosis, among other things.

However, in our experience, most people can achieve a hypnotic state if they approach the treatment with an open mind and are motivated to achieve the desired results.

There is a significant body of scientific evidence showing that hypnosis can have beneficial effects on a wide range of issues, such as relieving pain, treating PTSD, reducing stress and helping to change habits such as quitting smoking or weight loss.

How does hypnosis work?

In order for hypnosis to work optimally, in most cases an initial consultation is necessary to identify the problem. Based on this conversation, a goal or desire is formulated that the client wants to work towards. In the hypnosis session itself, the client is made comfortable and relaxed, after which the hypnotist will initiate the trance state via special communicative techniques.

During hypnosis, the client achieves a deep level of focused attention on what is being said or suggested by the hypnotist. This altered state of consciousness makes the client more open and receptive to suggestions and more focused on the hypnotist’s instructions. In short, the mind in this state is more receptive to accepting suggestions, which can make it easier to work on problems that may not be easily accessible in the waking state.

Is hypnosis dangerous?

No, it isn’t. Hypnosis is a completely harmless treatment where you are fully conscious throughout.

Hypnosis is a safe and recognized therapeutic technique that is widely used to help people deal with various issues.

At Shin Hypnosis, all hypnosis treatments are performed by experienced, trained and competent hypnotists who have the necessary skills to perform hypnosis safely and effectively.

There are no serious side effects associated with hypnosis. Some people may experience a slight tiredness after the treatment, but this passes quickly.

Basically, hypnosis is not nearly as controversial or magical as it is often portrayed in the media or on television. Hypnosis is a harmless therapeutic method that aims to help clients make positive changes in their lives.

Hypnosis can be used for both physical and mental health conditions, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Presentation anxiety
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Fear of flying
  • Fear of heights
  • Quitting smoking
  • Weight loss
  • Sleep problems
  • Various phobias

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state – a state between being awake and sleeping. Here the mind and psychological layers are sharpened and your subconscious mind works more intensively. The hypnotist can influence stored thought and behavior patterns, allowing you to change unhelpful thoughts, habits and fears that can limit our functioning or affect our mood.

Hypnosis is therefore rarely as caricatured in real life as it is in movies, TV shows and hypnosis shows. Here you can see people being asked to act like different animals and acting crazy. However, this is more entertainment than hypnosis. Hypnosis is a way of reaching deeper into the mind and working with various disorders and challenges. This type of hypnosis is also called clinical hypnosis, therapeutic hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Here you work with various psychological difficulties, such as anxiety, depression and the like. This type of hypnosis is based on scientific evidence and has little to do with the hypnosis you see in movies and TV shows.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is, as the word also suggests, therapy in hypnosis. When we perform hypnotherapy, we use hypnosis as a tool to help the client deal with and improve different aspects of life. This can be anything from anxiety and bad habits to phobias and much more.

Hypnotherapy works by guiding the client into a hypnotic state where they achieve a state of deep relaxation. In this state, the client’s mind is more open to what we call suggestions, which enables the hypnotist to work with the client in more depth. The aim is to identify and change the negative thought patterns, habits and/or behaviors that contribute to the client’s problems or challenges.

When and for whom is hypnosis relevant?

Hypnotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of health, life and mental health issues and challenges – big and small. Hypnosis can be used to treat serious conditions such as severe stress or anxiety, but also to treat minor life problems such as fear of flying. There are basically no “rules” for which challenges hypnosis can be used to treat, or how big or small the problems should be.

Hypnosis can be explored when other treatment methods and options have been explored without satisfactory results. But hypnosis can also be beneficial to try before any other and more invasive treatment is tried. For example, if you suffer from obesity, it may be beneficial to try hypnotic treatment before medication or surgery. The same applies to insomnia and other disorders.

Hypnosis can also be used as a supplement to an already ongoing or existing treatment.

Hypnosis for performance enhancement

Hypnotherapy is in most cases used to relieve or treat various psychological challenges, phobias and disorders such as insomnia, depression, obesity, PTSD, stress and much more. But in fact, hypnotherapy is also highly suitable for performance enhancement. Many athletes and sportsmen and women use hypnotherapy with great success to improve their physical and mental performance in their respective field or sport. This can be on a professional or hobby level. It can be in team sports such as football and handball, but also in running, strength training, etc.

However, it’s not just physical performance that hypnosis can help improve – it’s also mental performance. A big part of performing in a particular sport is being able to stay focused and mentally alert. Hypnosis can be used to reduce stress and anxiety and improve the ability to focus and maintain concentration during training or competition.

Hypnosis can also help increase self-confidence and belief in one’s own abilities, which also plays a big role when it comes to performing in a particular sport.

Many hypnotists use hypnosis to help clients visualize themselves performing tasks or achievements successfully, which can help prepare them mentally for challenges.

However, it’s not just physical and athletic performance that hypnosis can help improve. It can also be performance in many other areas, such as business or more artistic endeavors. Hypnosis can also be used to improve performance at work. The self-employed in particular often use hypnotherapy during difficult or tough times, or if they are facing challenges that may seem insurmountable.

Artists and writers can also benefit from hypnotherapy for writer’s block, for example, or if creativity needs a little helping hand to start or move forward with a project.

You can benefit greatly from hypnotherapy without necessarily suffering from mental health challenges. Hypnosis can also be used to improve your performance in various areas.

Does hypnosis work?

The answer is YES. Research shows that hypnosis has a positive impact on several physical ailments and mental health issues. However, it is important to emphasize that the client must enter the treatment with openness and responsiveness to the hypnotist’s instructions.

Who can be hypnotized?

Anyone can enter a state of hypnosis. It is important that the client is open and positive about hypnosis as a form of treatment and is responsive to the hypnotist’s instructions. In fact, you could say that the client brings themselves into the hypnotic state with the help of the hypnotist’s instructions.

Some people are open and willing to get caught up in a hypnotic state, while others are more skeptical and resistant. It will always be easier for people who are open and receptive to hypnosis to achieve a hypnotic state.

In addition to openness, it is also important that the client is good at deep relaxation, as this also plays an important role in hypnosis. The better a person is at relaxing and focusing their mind, the more easily they can be hypnotized. Therefore, we always focus on ensuring that our hypnosis sessions take place in a relaxing and undisturbed environment.

How does hypnosis work?

For hypnosis to work in the most optimal way, most sessions begin with a personal consultation where the problem is mapped out. This can be either physical or psychological in nature, or a combination. During the hypnosis itself, it is important that the client is relaxed and comfortable, then the hypnotist will start the hypnosis using special techniques that sharpen the subconscious mind.

Research and evidence

Many people mistakenly believe that hypnosis is hocus-pocus that has no effect or impact. But this is far from the case. On the contrary, there is plenty of evidence that hypnosis works and can have a wide range of beneficial effects on both our mental and physical health. Many studies over time have shown and concluded that hypnosis therapy can have a positive effect on many different challenges. These include pain relief (e.g. migraines), anxiety, stress, smoking cessation, weight loss, PTSD, insomnia and improved sports performance.

The results and effects of hypnosis vary from person to person and not everyone will experience the same effects. It depends on how receptive you are to the treatment and how open you are to hypnosis as a form of treatment.

Nevertheless, hypnosis is a recognized and legitimate therapeutic method that can be used to treat a variety of mental and physical challenges.

Shin Hypnose

Melchiors Plads 4, st.
2100 København Ø

Phone: 31 65 84 33

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Get help with unhelpful thoughts and habits at Shin Hypnosis in Copenhagen or the rest of the country. Book an appointment via our online booking or call 31 65 84 33 if you have questions about how hypnosis can help you.