Hypnosis in Roskilde

Smoking, overeating, phobias? Bad habits and anxiety have a negative impact on our everyday lives and can be difficult to get rid of. Fortunately, there is help available with hypnosis in Roskilde.

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Anne Marie Lange

Anne Marie Lange

Køgevej 44B (in the courtyard)
Right by Roskilde station.
4000 Roskilde

Phone: 21 62 29 42
Email: Info@kernero.dk

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Just 5 minutes from Roskilde Station, you’ll find one of Shin’s many competent hypnosis centers offering different kinds of treatments.

Shinhypnosis was created by Mads Aggerholm in 2006, and today a professional team offers treatment in six different locations around the country.

Book an appointment with a hypnotist in Roskilde

Book an appointment for hypnosis in Roskilde by calling 21 62 29 42 You can also use our online booking system. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please note: We emphasize that hypnosis and treatments do not guarantee recovery and that results are individual and may vary from person to person.

Hypnosis treatment – it’s all about safety

It is important to us that you feel comfortable throughout the hypnosis process, which is why we always start a consultation with a conversation about your problem. Subsequently, you will enter hypnosis before the actual treatment, so you get to know the hypnosis state and can relax completely in our surroundings.

You will be fully conscious throughout the consultation, and it’s okay if you are skeptical about hypnosis as a tool as long as you follow the instructions we give you.

In addition to hypnosis, Anne Marie Lange also offers holistic health consultations that focus on physical symptoms. Any nutritional deficiencies, imbalances or intolerances are investigated. This is examined through a review of the whole body, its signs and symptoms, and possibly laboratory tests. The body is supported with diet and good nutrients. So that we support both body and mind.

Holistic treatment of body and mind with hypnosis and health consultation can be particularly suitable for stress, inner turmoil, lack of energy, weight management or sugar cravings.

Many options with hypnosis in Roskilde

We can treat a wide range of symptoms, emotions and addictions that prevent you from living the life you dream of.

Perhaps your exam anxiety is so severe that you are unable to perform optimally in a test situation, or your fear of flying keeps you from flying south with the rest of your family. It’s also possible that hypnosis could be the solution that finally gets you to quit cigarettes and stop smoking.

Finally, infertility patients can benefit from hypnosis because it can help change the mindset to remove mental blocks and increase the chances of pregnancy.

Here you can find us


Hypnotist, Shin Hypnosis and Direct Navigation by Shin Mads Aggerholm.
NLP Practitioner
Physician-certified health mentor in functional medicine


Trained classical musician from the Royal Danish Academy of Music. Has worked as a performing musician for 15 years. Also wrote a master’s thesis at the conservatory on performance anxiety.


“Hi Anne Marie. I have experienced a lightness around the heart/breathing that I have not experienced before. I have not previously been able to lie on my stomach when I had to sleep because of pain, but I had no problems with that. Something has definitely happened inside”.

“Anne Marie has a very pleasant voice that makes you completely relax. And she’s good at explaining how hypnosis works, so you feel completely at ease”

“Hi Anne Marie. Thank you for the hypnosis on Monday. I can tell you that so far I haven’t had any cravings or eaten any sweets/cakes. In fact, I haven’t felt like “snacking” during my breaks or in the evening 😊 I don’t know yet if it’s your hypnosis that works, but at least something has made me not crave and go to the closets all the time 😊 Bh. Gitte”

“Good morning Anne Marie. Smoke-free 😊 My hypnosis program has made the transition from smoke to smoke-free so much easier. Psychological aha experience came to me on the 2nd day about a focus shift. Normally I would have focused on how many days I had been smoke-free. Not this time!!! Instead, my focus has been: I am smoke free and feeling my body instead. So thank you so much Anne Marie. Wishing you the best going forward. Regards. Mette”

“Hi Anne Marie. It’s going ok. Eating healthier. Have bought healthier groceries. Ate some apple cake today, but in smaller portions and feel healthier than I have in a long time. Have a feeling that it will be good with a weight-health hypnosis in a month or 2 to maintain the new “line”. The best part is the feeling that the body feels stronger and healthier and easier to satiate. Kh. Dorte”
“P.S. Shopping is going really well. Don’t feel like buying anything unhealthy 😊”.

What problems can hypnosis in Roskilde help with?

Hypnosis can help reduce or stop smoking and overeating, for example. In general, hypnosis can be effective against bad habits or reaction patterns that have a negative impact on your everyday life.

How does hypnosis work in Roskilde?

Hypnosis focuses on creating a sense of safety, as this will ensure the best possible results. During the consultation you are fully conscious, but before the actual treatment you will also be hypnotized so you can feel comfortable with the unfamiliar state.

Can hypnosis help with anxiety?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool when you want to reduce anxiety. For example, in the case of exam anxiety, fear of flying, arachnophobia or other specific situations or things you fear. With hypnosis, you can get to the core of your anxiety and solve the problem.

Does hypnosis work as a treatment?

People react very differently to hypnosis. Some experience a large, positive effect, while others don’t notice any particular changes. Therefore, the results of hypnosis are an individual experience.

Shin Hypnose

Melchiors Plads 4, st.
2100 København Ø

Phone: 31 65 84 33

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Try hypnosis – book an appointment here

Get help with unhelpful thoughts and habits at Shin Hypnosis in Copenhagen or the rest of the country. Book an appointment via our online booking or call 31 65 84 33 if you have questions about how hypnosis can help you.