Free Weight Loss E-Book

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You can also read on this page and see the good advice we have so you can have a good life, you are welcome to book an appointment so you can be helped on your way to a healthy life, hypnosis is an effective remedy for sustained weight loss this is scientifically documented at Harvard and Stanford University.

Free Weight Loss Information prepared by / Mads Aggerholm

This is a free online information that can help you in your efforts to lose weight easily and naturally.

We suggest you read it in one go and then go back and browse it at your own pace.

It offers advice and suggestions in areas such as nutrition, exercise and especially the psychological side of weight loss.

The authors have helped many people achieve and maintain their perfect weight.

So much about our diets and weight management strategies rely on a strong mental approach and this is the area where many useful tips and ideas are given.

Very important!

Before starting any weight loss or exercise plan you must consult a doctor.

To lose weight is to gain something else

Don’t think of weight loss solely as what you want to lose – it’s much more about what you want to gain. Think about what you really want to achieve by losing weight. Do you want to be healthier, look better, fit into certain clothes?

What if someone told you that you could be slimmer and more toned, but you would actually weigh more? Would that be OK? Think about what it is you really want.

You’re not obligated to do anything and you’re not being made to do anything, but if you do choose to do something and want to lose weight, it’s helpful to have some structure and ideas about where to turn from here. In this online book, we give you some pointers that you may or may not choose to take on board. There are no rigid rules that you have to follow and you can be flexible and take what you find useful.

Healthy habits

There’s a famous saying that goes “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.” In other words, if you continue with unhealthy habits, you won’t successfully lose weight and keep it off in the long run. So even if you succeed in completing a diet and changing your eating patterns in the short term, if you then go back to your previous nutrition and exercise habits, you will gain weight again.

But often, when people eat healthy food or take to exercise as a one-off, they enjoy it. So why don’t they do it again and again? Simple – because it hasn’t become a habit. First, you need to break the old, bad habits and the easiest way to do this is by replacing them with new, healthy habits. If you adopt some of the ideas in this book, you may well notice big changes in the way you choose to live your life.

The fear of failure

Imagine approaching weight loss as if there was no such thing as failure. Failure creates fear, and it also creates permission to continue to fail. Instead, try to measure everything with degrees of success. For example, this familiar scenario (you may recognize yourself in it).

There are two people who both have a goal to lose weight. Person A eats a cake, immediately feels he has failed in his weight loss goal, then eats the rest of the package and feels sorry for himself. Person B also eats a cake and thoroughly enjoys it, seeing it for what it is in the context of her weight loss goal – so what! She’s still positive and later goes for a run.

Person A has succumbed to the idea of failure and given up; Person B has stayed positive and stayed on track towards her goal.

The importance of creative visualization

It’s difficult to achieve something if you don’t believe you have the ability to do it. Use the power of your imagination to practice what it will be like to have achieved your goal and reached your ideal weight – this is called creative visualization. Imagine yourself at your perfect weight; you’re doing what you normally do, like going to work, walking the dog or getting on the bus. Imagine not only how you will look and what you will do, but also how you feel and how others react to you.

Creative visualization can be an effective and positive tool if you practice it and use it often. A good time to do it is just as you fall asleep, so your mind starts to work differently and is very receptive to thinking of and solving ideas. Literally “sleep on it”!

Remember when you were a child?

Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember what it was like to have a strong imagination, to think you could be anyone, do anything and go anywhere? Children have an amazing imagination, always playing with ideas in their mind and changing who or what they want to be on a day-to-day basis.

Many adults lose this ability to use their imagination, but creative people tend to be the ones who hang on to a childish fantasy and believe they can change. You can do the same – recreate the imagination you had as a child and use it to create a healthier person who looks and feels amazing. Take a moment now and use your imagination to throw away your adult worries and doubts.

Don’t underestimate your ability to change

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are strong beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most people fear” (Nelson Mandela, 1994). It’s easy to put limitations and blocks on yourself. Often these blocks are due to comments other people have made that we internalize and turn into beliefs that we can’t do something, or that it will be difficult, or that it must be done a certain way we will fail.

You need to use to question these limiting beliefs, and develop positive new beliefs that you have the possibility and confidence to achieve what you want. You have the potential, but you should also balance this with your own health and wellbeing, and make sure that your goals are realistic and will not jeopardize your health in any way. That’s why it’s crucial that you always get medical advice before embarking on a new fitness or diet plan.

Goal achievement – what is your personal weight goal?

To summarize briefly, it’s crucial to focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. What happens if you say to yourself: “I don’t want to be overweight”? More likely than not, the brain will start thinking about becoming overweight.

Perhaps this would be a good time to write a list of goals. Remember, don’t just write down something vague like ‘lose some pounds’. Your goals should be concrete and positive, for example, to fit into a certain clothing size, gain more energy, be able to run two kilometers, have people compliment you on your appearance. Instead of saying “I want to be thin!”, “I want to lose weight!”, how about getting goals such as ‘I want to feel amazing! ‘, ‘I want to be at my perfect weight!

Believe that it will happen

The next step is to take your goals and turn them into results. For every goal, there comes a point when you have to stop thinking you want it to happen and start believing it will happen. There is a simple and practical way to achieve this.

The more you say out loud, write down or tell other people that you are on your way to becoming healthier (or whatever your goal may be), the sooner you start saying this to yourself and believing it is inevitable. This is a proven strategy used by successful people in all walks of life.

Am I overweight?

It is very important to establish if you are in fact overweight and if so, how much weight you need to lose. Many people think they are unhealthily overweight because they compare themselves to unrealistic images of others in the media. However, there isn’t a perfect weight or look for all of us, but there is a healthy weight within reach, whether where you sit in this will depend on what shape, build etc.

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the tool most used to check if you are a healthy weight. BMI calculators are available on the internet, but we recommend that you consult a medical professional for their opinion and advice. BMI is a guide only and there are many other indicators of health other than weight, so consult a doctor for the full picture.

Why am I gaining weight?

Quite simply, we gain weight when we eat more calories than we expend. But there are various reasons why we eat more calories in the first place. We can eat the wrong things, perhaps out of ignorance of their nutritional value, or because of time pressure or other reasons. We can overeat or eat when we’re not hungry. We also need to eat for other, mostly emotional reasons, perhaps when we are sad, stressed, lonely or angry. We may also not have done enough exercise and therefore not use the calories we have eaten.

Everyone is different, so everyone has different reasons; the important thing is to recognize your own personal reasons for overeating or unhealthy eating and replace these unhealthy patterns with good habits.

Nutritional guide

It’s highly unlikely that you can’t lose weight for medical or genetic reasons. Look for a more likely answer first – for example, that you need to make changes to your diet to include healthier, lower calorie choices. Get hold of a nutritional guide, they are available on the internet and in libraries and bookstores.

Familiarize yourself with different foods and how much you should eat of each, find out how many calories are in the food groups – you may be surprised. Look at the nutritional value of different foods and calorie content; research the official nutritional advice and how much you should eat of certain types of food. Don’t get too hung up on it – it’s important to have a balance and to enjoy your food. But develop your knowledge about food and nutrition so you can make informed choices.

Book an appointment with a fitness instructor

You can usually get a free initial consultation with a personal trainer or fitness instructor. They can talk to you about a personalized fitness plan and what it might involve, and also give you advice on healthy eating. By doing this, you don’t have to commit to eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly or losing weight, but by asking an expert’s advice you will know where you are and where you can choose to go next.

Just like informing you about nutrition so you can make healthy choices if you want, by learning about improving your fitness you put yourself in the position where you can make a choice and decide if you want to go that route. If you get the opportunity to get a glimpse of your destination, you’ll be much more likely to begin the journey.

Simple weight loss

This is the part of the book where we summarize some of the important concepts covered so far. If you find that these summaries are not clearly defined, you may need to go back to earlier pages of the book and read them again.

You may feel overwhelmed at this point by all the ideas about goals, habits, imagination, nutrition and exercise. That’s fine – you may want to take the approaches separately, think about each one and then come back to them later.

Losing weight shouldn’t be complicated or difficult – you’ll actually find that it’s easy if you work in the way that’s right for you. If you find it difficult, it may be because you haven’t found the way that’s right for you yet or you haven’t developed new healthy habits – but you want to get started

Remember – there is no such thing as failure

As we’ve already discussed in previous pages, there is no such thing as a failure – it’s just a concept. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, made thousands of attempts before successfully coming up with his invention. But he didn’t see his failed attempts as failures, he saw them as taking him one step closer to his goal.

Think about your failed weight loss efforts in the past; look at them not as failures, but stages that will take you further towards your ultimate goal of losing weight and keeping it off. Your past experience of trying to lose weight is like Edison’s light bulbs, if you stay positive and keep going, you too will have a breakthrough.

Remember – what you want is what counts

We want to emphasize again that it’s what you want that’s important, not what you don’t want. First, develop a positive goal statement based on what you want, for example “I want to achieve my perfect weight”. The second step is to turn your goal into a concrete outcome, “I want to reach my perfect weight”.

Not wanting something is simply not enough. You need to pay close attention to what you want and start creating belief in this possibility. If you know what you want, then you will probably be more satisfied and eat healthy.

Change your eating habits

Habits are simply things that you do a certain number of times until they become cemented into your behavioral pattern. This applies to both good habits – such as drinking several glasses of water every day – and bad habits, such as skipping breakfast. Changing your unhealthy eating habits into good eating habits is crucial if you want to lose weight and maintain your ideal weight in the long term.

Drinking plenty of water every day or always having a good breakfast can be very beneficial in losing weight and managing your weight, but I think you’ll agree that these are not particularly difficult things to do in themselves. In fact, once it becomes a regular part of your life, almost a second nature, it will become easy if you like it yourself. The difficult part is building the good habit to begin with and getting rid of the old bad habits.

Build new eating habits

It’s very hard to break bad habits just by fighting them. As we’ve seen earlier in this eBook, when you take this approach of not wanting to do something, inevitably you’ll start thinking about what it is you don’t want to do! It’s the same with habits, if you want to break a bad habit, the best way is to build a new, good habit to replace it.

Start thinking about a possible new habit and replacing an unhealthy one that will help you meet your weight loss goals. For example, if you have a habit of drinking a lot of fizzy, sugary drinks, replace this habit by regularly drinking several glasses of water every day. When your new positive habit becomes as strong as the old ones, the old ones will disappear. Your healthy new habits will have their own cement.

How can I lose weight?

Scientifically speaking, the answer to this question is as simple as the answer to previous questions about why you gain weight. You will lose weight when you eat fewer calories than you expend. Nutrition and exercise are the two most crucial elements in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight – but then you should probably know that already.

But as we’ve also noted before, we all eat for different reasons. We may use food as a reaction to fatigue or boredom or emotions such as frustration or anxiety, and there are also those ingrained bad eating habits. We all also decide to lose weight for different reasons – our health, appearance, fitness levels etc. Therefore, we will all have different ways to lose weight. There are two crucial questions to consider when faced with the question “How can I lose weight?”

How to lose weight – question 1

As we have already said earlier in this e-book, we are not trying to make you do anything, although we hope that by the end of the book you will decide to do something. The following questions are intended to help you explore the first step in losing weight.

What one thing can you do to put you in a better position to achieve and maintain your perfect weight?

There are plenty of options. For example, you could stop having your morning chocolate bar and replace it with an apple, or decide to get off the bus to work two stops early and walk the rest of the way. Whatever it is, you need to find something that will work for you.

How to lose weight – question 2

Hopefully you’ve already highlighted what you can do to achieve your weight loss goal. Now you need to consider the flip side of this question. What is stopping you from reaching your weight loss goal or hindering your progress? What are the obstacles that are holding you back from losing weight?

Think hard about each obstacle that you identify. Is it a real or external obstacle, or is it inside your head? Do you have control over it and can you remove it? Do you want to remove it? How can you work around it? Think of all the possibilities that could prevent you from meeting your goal.

Fill the void

It’s common for people on a diet to try to convince themselves that they love salad and aren’t missing chocolate. Trying to pretend that you don’t want something or that you’re not depriving yourself of something won’t work. We don’t like to be deprived and can’t fool our bodies, and this creates conflict and leads to internal arguments.

So try new things to fill the void – get new hobbies and interests that fit in with your fitness goals, or new healthy eating recipes and foods. Don’t try to convince yourself that you like them, but find out what it is that you enjoy – it will be something! Then get a new healthy hobby, interest or food and make it a habit.

Weight management – if you want something, eat it

Our brains are part of us and they don’t like to be told what to do or told they are not allowed anything. Weight management is not about going without or depriving ourselves. If you want something, take it. The feeling of being deprived of something will always lead to focusing on the unhealthy and thus on the wrong kind of food. Unlike many strict diets, you shouldn’t see any foods that are forbidden – if you do, you will only focus on them and want them more.

But be careful when you think you want to eat. What do you want to eat? Are you really hungry and in need of nutrition? Or are you using food as a substitute for something else, or as an emotional crutch? Over time, as you get a clearer picture, you’ll be better able to recognize the triggers and make the right choices. Just stay focused on what you want.

Brush your teeth and lose weight

It can be hard to get used to eating more slowly and waiting until you are sure you are still hungry before eating more food. But you’ll be doing yourself a big favor, and like any new habit, will get easier once you get used to it. And remember – if you’re still really hungry after half an hour, you can have something else to eat!

If you find the idea of waiting half an hour to see if you’re still hungry too difficult, go and brush your teeth right after you eat. If you’re still hungry for food, eat. You still haven’t deprived yourself of anything. You can have whatever you want.

Learn to meditate

In a calm reflective state, you can learn a lot about yourself and come to a real sense of self-acceptance. When you know yourself, you are more likely to be honest with yourself and make the right choices. Learn meditation or self-hypnosis and get to know yourself better. Meditation courses are plentiful and are a great way to learn the basics, Shinhypnosis and yoga courses also teach meditation techniques.

If you think the art of meditation sounds like too much of an effort at this point or you don’t want to join a course, just spend a few minutes of each day in a comfortable place with your eyes closed, breathing calmly and easily and allowing your mind to clear.

Learn relaxation techniques

You might wonder why you need to learn how to relax. Surely lying in front of the TV with a pizza and a glass of wine is relaxation? It certainly can, as relaxation, and there should be time to do this occasionally. But if you find yourself doing this regularly, you may have an underlying source of stress and thus not be truly relaxing – just temporarily escaping from your stress. This type of “relaxation” is not very healthy!

True relaxation takes some time and effort to learn, and requires practice to perfect, but once you get used to it, you’ll find that it happens naturally to you. All the information is out there, it’s free and realistic – and the rewards are immeasurable.

Stress and bad eating habits

As we mentioned earlier, stress is often a trigger for eating. And when we’re stressed, not only do we eat more, but we’re more likely to go for the fast option, which our bodies speed up and we feel like we don’t have much time – even if we do. Our bodies can also crave certain types of foods, like those high in fat and sugar – “bad” foods that are often wrapped up in fast, convenient food. Healthy diets can therefore often fall victim to time pressure and stress. Think about this and how it relates to your own life.

But remember that our bodies are not supposed to be stressed on a permanent basis. It’s not natural and it’s not good for us. Food won’t beat stress, it will just give you temporary relief.

Stress relief gives you good eating habits

You need to break the link between stress and eating habits, and the best way to do this is by creating a new pattern. For example, if you find that you come home from work feeling stressed and immediately go to the kitchen to eat, try this instead, instead of eating the same thing when you get home, spend half an hour doing some simple relaxation exercises or take a relaxing bath.

Only after that, if you still feel like it, grab something to eat. You’ll find that you’ll start to break the pattern of eating as a direct reaction to stress. You will eat because you want to and you may find that you start making healthier choices.

Be a person who welcomes change

As humans, we tend to worry or be afraid of change, even if change is good. For example, people often worry about proposed changes to their work roles, even if the changes are positive and the change turns out that they perform the role better. People adapt very well to change, but only over time, and we have built-in resistance to change.

This is very true in changing our eating patterns and adopting healthier habits. People often find it easy to go on a diet because they know that changing their eating habits will only be temporary and they will be able to go “back to normal” afterwards. A permanent change is more daunting, so it’s a good idea to make small changes gradually and over time the big picture will fall into place.

Help yourself

You need to be positive with yourself when changing your dietary habits. You will have bad days, but you need to stay positive. If you blame yourself, calling yourself “stupid” or “a mistake” or “fat”, exactly what will this achieve? It will likely have a negative effect, leading you to feel bad about yourself and eat more unhealthy.

Instead of this bad internal response, you need to promote good internal responses. What would your best friend say to you if you told them you’ve had a brief lapse in your new healthy eating habits? They wouldn’t judge you, they would be supportive and positive, encouraging you to get back on track because you are doing so well. That’s what you need to be able to tell yourself when things get tough.

Weight maintenance – how to maintain a healthy weight

You wouldn’t expect your car to run properly unless you maintain it the right way. It’s not something you pay attention to just once a year, but if you’ve regularly refueled it with the right type of fuel, driven it nicely, kept it clean and dealt with any small issues immediately, it will run smoothly.

It’s the same with maintaining a healthy weight. You need to make the change from your dieting mindset – a panic reaction leads to short-term, often drastic, and usually futile efforts – to get your weight to follow the maintenance mindset. This is a proactive, long-term strategy where you have to actively work day-to-day to stay within your healthy weight range. You look after your car to ensure it doesn’t break down – do the same for yourself.

How to make positive statements for weight loss maintenance

We’ve already talked about making affirmations to help you lose weight, but what about the affirmations you make when you’ve lost weight and want to keep it off? Think about what you want other people to say to you. What would someone else need to say to you to inspire you to achieve your goals? What would it be like if you said to yourself?

Create your own positive testimonial. Tell yourself what you need to hear. Repeat your affirmations to yourself every day. It might feel weird at first, but if you keep practicing soon it will become second nature and you won’t even realize you dong it. Maintaining a healthy weight will become far more natural and easy.

Healthy diet tips – eat slower

We’ve also talked about the importance of eating more slowly earlier in this e-book. This is something you need to do something about every single day to maintain your healthy weight. Enjoy your food; make mealtimes special and relaxing, rather than a chore or daunting task.

Don’t start a meal until you’ve put everything out and slowed down for a moment. Enjoy your food. Spend time experiencing the actual physical sensations of eating, chewing, tasting, etc. What would it be like if you took time for yourself while eating a meal and then next time took twice as long to eat? What do you think would happen?

Buy an exercise bike

Get an exercise bike and install it somewhere in your house where you can use it in peace and privacy. Many people don’t want to participate in fitness and exercise in public, or the weather may make it difficult to exercise outside, or there may not be time to get out and exercise, especially if you have a family. Now you don’t need these excuses!

Use your imagination. Don’t see exercise as an unpleasant chore – enjoy it. Get on your bike and think about cycling through beautiful, peaceful nature. The sun is shining and you are in the most beautiful place in the world. It can help to have some soothing music in the background. Focus on what you can visualize in your imagination rather than thinking about being out of breath and uncomfortable. Enjoy this time for yourself.

Use healthy recipes

If you’ve decided to act on the advice earlier in this eBook, you may have already become an expert in nutrition. Now you can become an expert in healthy recipes. There are plenty of free resources to help you find out how to cook healthy – websites, books and even cooking programs that are increasingly health conscious with their choice of ingredients and cooking methods.

Or you can create your own healthy recipes. Enjoy being creative in the kitchen and experimenting. Food doesn’t have to be fattening to be tasty. Remember that many of the ingredients that provide the most flavor are virtually calorie-free, such as herbs, spices, black pepper, garlic, chili and lemon juice. And if you don’t like a recipe, don’t pretend you do – keep going until you find something you like. Take a moment to consider how some of your favorite meal recipes could be made more healthy.

Join a slimming group

Weightwatchers is probably the most famous weight loss organization, but there are many others around the world, such as Jenni Craig. Organizations like these can help you develop weight goals and they all have their own structured programs to help you lose weight. More importantly, they may also offer encouragement, support and friendly advice that can be helpful and motivating.

It’s important not to panic about your weight mentality; see the weight loss organization as a tool in your long-term weight loss and weight maintenance plan. It can be just what you need to kickstart you into eating more healthily, or to keep you going if you find things are getting tough.

Design your own personalized weight loss plan

To summarize some of the points we’ve discussed earlier in this eBook, it’s crucial that you figure out what types of exercise and healthy eating will be right for you. Learn the facts about nutrition and incorporate these into a sustainable healthy eating plan and you’ll still enjoy your food.

We are all different and have different preferences. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another. This is also the reason why many strict diets fail, they are simply too “prescriptive” and if we don’t like what they tell us to eat we have no alternative. You are your own expert, which means you can make the choices that will work best for you.

Weight loss tips – don’t weigh yourself too often

There are very good reasons why you shouldn’t weigh yourself too often. For starters, weight fluctuates all the time, at different times of the day and month, depending on if you’ve just eaten, if you’re dehydrated etc. This can be misleading and cause confusion. If you must weigh yourself, do it once a month, always at the same time of day and use the same scale for consistency. When you weigh yourself and if you’ve lost weight, think about your wins. If you haven’t lost weight, or have changed a little bit, use that as motivation to keep going.

But don’t get too hung up on the scales. Put it in perspective and don’t think of weight as the only issue – consider how you feel, how you look, do you have more energy, have other things changed for the better in your life since you started making the healthy changes.

Easy ways to lose weight

There are seemingly many “easy” ways to lose weight. You only have to look on the internet, in bookstores, magazines, and even in local newspapers. It’s quite a claim and you can see it everywhere.

Once you’ve tried the easy ways, please come back to this e-book and read it carefully. Losing weight doesn’t have to be difficult, but you need the commitment to create healthy new eating and exercise habits and to be committed to it for the long term.

What is the fastest way to lose weight?

The fastest way to lose weight will always, by definition, always be unhealthy. Such a rush? Research shows that the faster you lose weight, the faster you gain it back. A recommended rate of weight loss is no more than one kilogram per week. How would you feel if you knew as a fact that in a few months you will have your perfect weight and that you can maintain it permanently? Isn’t that better than figuring out how to lose a bunch of kilos in half the time, but that it’s potentially harmful to your health and gain it back when you’re “back to normal”?

Don’t look for the fastest way – look for the best way to lose weight in the long term.

The best way to lose weight

Traditional dieting is clearly not the best way to lose weight and keep it off. It has been reported many times that over 95% of all diets fail. For a successful and sustainable diet, you need to eat less and exercise more. Develop a personalized plan including nutrition, exercise and relaxation. Spend time focusing on what you want to gain rather than lose; be specific and stay focused. Banish the fear of failure. Make a commitment and support yourself.

You already know the best way to lose weight. Trust yourself and get started.

Guidelines for healthy eating habits

Healthy eating doesn’t mean that eating has to be boring. It’s something we tell ourselves to give ourselves permission to opt out. There is no such thing as failure, but there sure is, there is such a thing as healthy, fun and tasty food.

What healthy eating habits do you think you could take up that you would enjoy? Could you commit to fruits and vegetables becoming a larger percentage of your daily diet? Do you think you’d enjoy eating slower and making mealtimes relaxed and enjoyable events? How do you feel about learning about nutrition and becoming an expert on healthy recipes?

THINK HEALTHY diet – Living healthy diets.

Committing to a healthy weight and lifestyle

Health and fitness are self-contained continuations. The healthier you feel, the more likely your new healthy habits will stay strong in your mind. But once you’ve lost weight and changed, be careful not to revert to the old habits again. If you’re having a bad day or find it hard to maintain the fight against your weight, go back and read this eBook from the beginning and be reminded of our tips.

It’s also important to have your own personal emergency plan. This can take the form of a chart on the wall or a note in your diary detailing the steps you will take to get back on track. Think of it as a safety net. Writing things down and looking at it from time to time. You might want to put it together now, or maybe tomorrow when you’ve had time to think about it. You might want to do it soon.

Weight and confidence

You need to learn to feel good about yourself. The better you feel about yourself, the more you can support yourself, the easier it will be. When it comes to losing weight, you need to be your own best friend, as no one else knows how it feels. The starting point for building the friendship with yourself, you can read this quote:

“Each friend represents a new world within us, a world that may not be born until they arrive, and it is only at this meeting that a new world is born.” (Anaïs Nin)

How do you look at your best friend? Could you treat yourself that way? What would happen if you did?

Diet tips – think about quitting smoking

If you smoke, consider quitting. You have nothing to lose and control you will gain, it will allow you control in other areas. Choosing to become a non-smoker will also fit in with your new healthy habit and help you to enjoy exercise more. The idea that smoking helps you lose weight and is one of the reasons you gain weight is a myth.

We have also published a free quit smoking e-book and it would be great if you choose to read it.

Subscribe to a weight loss magazine

This doesn’t have to be a food journal as such, although many people find it useful to record what they eat and why. It can also be motivating to write down things like what activity you’ve been doing. However, you may find it useful to keep a personal journal of your thoughts, progress and goals for the future. You will continue to make progress as long as you are honest with yourself, but don’t judge and criticize yourself.

The whole time you are keeping a journal, you are “emotionally detached” from your situation. You are monitoring and thinking about your progress on a day-to-day basis, as well as repeating your statement to yourself every day. As soon as you stop focusing you become “emotionally unaware” and unconsciously give yourself permission to take a step backwards.

Difficulty losing weight

It seems like many pieces of new technology have the effect of making us less healthy and active. For example, cars, elevators and computer games all stop our bodies from doing what they naturally do – walking, climbing, lifting and being active. So we pay to go to the gym to do what we should be doing anyway! Many modern innovations are obviously very useful, but we all need to be aware of how they can stop us being active and make the effort to walk to the shops, or take the stairs instead of going for the easy option.

The same goes for “convenience” and “fast” foods that often contain less of the things our body needs and more of the things that are unhealthy and bad for us. Again a little of these foods occasionally is OK, but ask yourself this question, what kind of food do you think you should be eating as fiber in your diet?

Make some commitments to yourself

We hope you have enjoyed reading this e-book. You have been offered some ideas and new ways of thinking about how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It’s up to you to follow the advice you choose and to make your own list of commitments and goals.

Now you have finished reading this book, you can try to make a commitment to yourself in some form to achieve your weight loss and health goals. Only you will know what that is, and it may be a small change, in fact, it’s probably best to start with something small. Come back and read the e-book again, each time you do this make a new commitment. Over time, these commitments will turn into positive new habits. Good luck and best wishes from Shinhypnosis with your new life.

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